Things you should know about DAB

  1. Stronger effects - DAB is a (highly) concentrated extraction of oils from the cannabis flower. It is consumed by heating the substance to a high temperature (250- 400 degrees C*).
  1. Start with a small inhale – even if you are the most experienced smoker, start with a small puff, your first DAB hit can cause a strong and persistent cough along with irritation in the throat.
  1. Stronger high” - The ratio of the active ingredient in DAB compared to our cannabis flowers is three times more potent, so please expect a stronger effect than what you are used to.
  1. The munchies - the active substance causes a neurological effect in the brain that determines how much we eat, and whether we are hungry. Therefore you may experience a heightened level of hunger and a stronger dose of the munchies.
  1. Dryness - DAB has a significant effect on your throat. DAB is consumed by heating your e-rig to a temperature from 200 to over 400 degrees Celsius.

* Champion tips: Be sure to place soft and sweet drinks on hand that will ease your throat and prevent burning or coughing after your first ever puff.

  1. E-rigs and such – Thanks to the American market the most easy and fun way of consuming DAB is through dedicated devices that have been adapted to this purpose. Most are listed on our Website 

7.Healthy and Economical – DAB consumption is tobacco-FREE!!

Which contributes to a particularly stronger effect, whilst ridding your body of all the dangerous substances and nasties found in tobacco blends.

Considering its higher concentrate of THC, dabbing consumption is small to minimal and longer lasting which also makes it the more economical option.

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